Cybergurus provides comprehensive solution for the Corporations to centralize, standardize and hamonise the data available to different Applications within the Enterprise. The Management Reports for different Aspects of Business are as good as the Data that the Reports are based on. Companies are stuck with multiple records for the same customer, redundant data and no way to validate the accuracy of the data being reported upon, SAP MDM solves this problem. Cybergurus provides comprehensive MDM Project Managment and Implementation service which includes:

Assessment of the Current State/ GAP-FIT Analysis for MDM Implementation

Central Master Data Management

Consolidation Master Data & Global Data Synchronization

Harmonising Master Data

Customer and Supplier Data Integration

Content Management and Publishing

SAP NW Business Warehouse (BW) and SAP Portal Integration

For more information, Please call us at  800 490 5942  or e.mail us at


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