Cybergurus has the core competency in Finance Process Reengineering, Implementation of SAP Financials SAP FI-CO, SAP Financial Supply Chain (FSCM), SAP Treasury, SAP BI, SAP HANA and SAP Business Planning and Consolidation. Cybergurus provide end to end implementation and integration of SAP Treasury with BI Reporting, the solution for Banking and Finanial Institutions include:

Liquidity Management - Cash Management, Electronic Banking, Cash and Liquidity Forecasts, etc.

End to End Treasury Function Automation

Loans Management for Consumers and Corporations

Securities and Market Risk Management

Money Market Foreign Exchange and Derivatives

Cybergurus will provide Fixed Price Implementation including:

Project Management

Business Assessment and GAP-FIT Analysis

Configuration, Testing and Roll Out

Post Production Support

For more information, Please call us at  800 490 5942  or e.mail us at

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