Implementation Choices

Location: In order to further reduce the cost to our Clients, we provide two options of implementation :

  • 1. On site Implementation
  • 2. Implementation at our Rapid Deployment Center
  • On Site Implementation: We will implement SAP R/3 project at your site if constant interaction is required with your technical team during various phases of the Project lifecycle. However, we have found that such a arrangement adds to the Client's cost by adding Consultant's travel, lodging, per diem expenses etc and requires space adjustment at your office, add to cultural and space adjustments for your employees etc. So, unless absolutely necessary, we prefer our Clients leverage our Rapid Deployment Centers which are located in major metropolitan areas in the US for ERP implementation. At Client's request, our quote for ERP implementation will be inclusive of such side costs.

Rapid Deployment Centers: We have created Rapid Deployment Centers in major metropolitan areas like Sacramento, New York, Boston and Chicago to facilitate the development and testing of Projects before being deployed at Client's site. Once we determine the time required to finish the project after series of interviews with your technical team, project stakeholders etc., we divide the project into three to four week deliverables. At the end of each deliverable, our project team will present the deliverable to the Client, take necessary feedback and record any changes desired, discuss the requirements for next deliverable, the process goes on until full implementation is done. This enables us to measure the performance, evaluate & maintain quality, incorporate any changes that the Client may require at a later stage during the project and deliver the project successfully within the specified time. For Client, it means evaluating the application after each phase, suggesting changes, avoiding miscommunication, maintaining control of the Project and tracking the progress of the Project towards final deliverable.

Benefits of using Rapid Deployment Centers:

  • Reduction of miscellaneous costs associated with the Project like Consultant's lodging, travel expenses etc.
  • No adjustment required in terms of office space to accommodate our implementation team.
  • Clear communication among all stakeholders in the project.
  • Available expertise in other applications like data warehousing, database mgt., web technologies at no     
  •      additional cost.
  • Free Technical Support. For every CRM project we undertake, Cybergurus will provide free technical   
  •      support twenty 
  •      four hours a day, seven days a week.
  • Free Consultation on Upgrades and integration issues.
  • Rapid Application Deployment.

For a FreeConsultation, call us at 800 490 5942 or e.mail us at

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