Cybergurus has build expertise in Enterprise Performance Management and Business Planning & Consolidations since the inception of SAP Strategic Enterprise Management (SEM) and it’s components SEM Business Consolidation (BCS) and Business Planning Systems (BPS). Our Consultants have delivered Business Planning and Consolidation solutions across a spectrum of indistries enabling the companies to:

Centralize the Consolidation Process

Re-enginner Financial Process enabling faster Close

Compare Performance of Operating Companies

Plan for CAPEX, SG&A, Profitability & Cost, HR for Group Companies

Monitor Performance for Company’s Line of Business (LOB)

One Source of Truth for for Financial Planning & Analysis, Capital Budegeting, Supply Chain and Consolidations

Close Reporting GAPS throughout the Organization

Management Reporting & Decision Making in Real Time............. 

Cybergurus has proven expertise in Implementing Enterprise Performance Management - Business Planning and Consolidations for companies in a variety of Sectors from Semi-Conductor to Food Companies, From Insurance to Retailers..........We provide the expertise in

Project Management

EPM - BPC Implementation and Global Roll Out

Post Productiion Support

Staffing for Ongoing Projects

Fixed Price Implementation of Legal Consolidation

How can we help your organization become lean and mean like a start up? It’s up to you to find out!

For more information, Please call us at  800 490 5942  or e.mail us at


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