CRM Projects

The industry, the business and certainly, the priorities and objectives of the company determines what area of its business has more Customer Interaction or whether the whole company needs to be Customer centric, so on and so forth. For instance - For a purely Sales Company, Sales force and Service Automation will meet the company's solution for Customer Relationship Management but the same may not apply to a Utility company whose operations and systems are more complex. So, the degree, in terms of modules of CRM, to which companies require CRM is going to differ widely from company to company and its individual requirements. Even though there are many players in the CRM Market, yet there are only a few who provide total and comprehensive CRM solution for different industries including the e-business aspect. We believe that Siebel CRM Software's capabilities far exceed than those of other CRM packages in the CRM market. As such, our first choice is Siebel and the all the CRM Solutions are centered around Siebel.

Besides, a company can buy licenses for certain or all modules of a CRM Application, contingent upon its needs. Keeping this in mind, a company has the options to implement the following modules one by one or the whole application.

    Siebel Call Center              Siebel Service and e-service           Siebel Sales and e-sales         Siebel Field Service        Siebel Wireless

     Siebel Marketing

  • Siebel Industry Verticals :
  • Siebel Finance and e-finance
  • Siebel Banking
  • Siebel Insurance
  • Siebel Pharmaceuticals
  • Siebel Health Care and e-health care
  • Siebel Apparel and Retail
  • Siebel Consumer Goods
  • Siebel Communications for Telecom industry
  • Siebel Energy and e-energy
  • We also utilize other major vendors who can meet the specific requirements of the client in the CRM area, they are
  • · e.phipany
  • · Talisma
  • · Clarify
  • · Keane
  • Our Business and IT Analysts meet with project stakeholders, analyse your business processes and workflow, interview senior company officals and project stakeholders to determine solution that will deliver quick ROI, increase efficiency, reduce costs and enable your company to increase sales and market share.
  • For more information and free appraisal of your Business needs, please call us at  800 490 5942  or e-mail us at


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