Data Warehousing

DATAWAREHOUSING & DATA MINING: A company needs a Data warehousing solution to collect realms of data from multiple sources within the enterprise into meaningful storage that can be used further for Marketing programs, business intelligence, knowledge of each and every segment of business and creating of multiple data models for forecasting, planning and creating business strategy based on the knowledge derived from the data. For example - If a customer places the order on-line. Your order mgt. System responds by pulling information from a data warehouse about the order components, customer history, supplier history, ability of supplier to fulfill the order. Then the order mgt. System compares the supplier's performance with industry standard, with other suppliers and based on the parameters like cost, speed, ability to fulfill order; the system chooses the best supplier to deliver the order cost effectively, timely and reliably.

What Cybergurus will do: Cybergurus provides the implementation of SAP Business Information Warehouse which provides the most comprehensive solution for data warehousing needs. However, contingent upon the ERP system and other applications that your company might be running, we can design a data warehousing solution around that system like Oracle, BAAN and JD Edwards.

Salient feature of SAP Business Information Warehouse:

Information pool to consolidate information from external and internal sources                                                                                                                                                                         

Pre-configured information models and reports as well as automated data extraction and loading methods

Application and data warehouse are based on the same business process model i.e. integrated and central meta database

Ability to perform a wide variety of evaluation and analysis of the data

Provides integration of various solutions within the business framework

Open to integration with additional application and tools

Provides platform for analytic applications like demand planning which closes back the loop to operational system

Comes with Business Content which contains reports and reports sequences, Create Real Time Financial Reports of A/P, A/R, HR, Supply Chain etc. 

Fast  implementation using ASAP, Six Months Standard Functionality and Reports, Delivers Accurate information for decision making.

For further information, please call 800 490 5942 or e.mail us at


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