System Integration

SYSTEM INTEGRATION: The Management of a company needs to take critical business decisions every day to respond to changes in the business and market conditions. The ability of the management to make sound business decision depends upon the quality of information the management has about all the aspects of its business, how the business stacks up with the rest of the industry and what are the repercussions of the decisions that the management takes. Consequently, its imperative for the management to have real time information about the business from supply chain to the latest deal any salesperson might be working on etc., at any given point of time. This requires that the applications and systems of the company be integrated to facilitate free flow of data and information to and from application, systems and departments. Ultimately, the delivery of real time information to management from every area of business.

What Cybergurus does: Cybergurus provides the implementation of several different integration packages that might the requirements of a particular corporation. We provide Enterprise Integration, B2B Integration, Mainframe Integration and Integration of Web Operations with regular business. Cybergurus will also develop business applications based on the integrated information to deliver information from numerous sources in one application based on the requirements of the organization.

Please click on the following integration solutions to know the details or choose from the bar on the left:

  • Enterprise Integration
  • B2B Integration
  • Mainframe Integration
  • Time Frame: The time to implement the integrated system will depend upon the number of Application integration points involved and if any new applications need to be build based on collective information from different applications. Contingent upon these factors, the time frame could range from three months to a year.

Costs: The cost will be contingent upon the complexity and duration of the project.

For more information or free consultation, please call 800 490 5942 or e.mail us at


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