Software Development

Software Development Center: We have a established software development center in Dallas to provide software development and Quality Engineering services. We highly recommend our Clients to leverage our off Shore software development capabilities. We can not provide software development at lower cost in the US. However, we guarantee to deliver the software product within the time frame and all the salient features and technologies listed below for off shore centers.

Off Shore Software Development Center: Cybergurus has established offshore Software development centers in New Delhi and Jaipur, India to facilitate faster development of software, faster time to market and to pass on the low cost of developing Software in India to our Clients. We can design and develop the software in the following technologies with very fast turnaround and low cost:

Client Server Technologies  : VisualC++, Visual Basic, Developer 2000, Oracle, Com/ Active X, Corba Crystal Reports, Delphi

Web Technologies                : Java, XML, Java Beans, JDK, EJB, ASP, Web Logic, Pearl

Systems Expertise                  : Trading Systems, B2B exchanges & Marketplaces,Portals, ERP, CRM, Procurement and Supply Chain. Real Time                                                                                                            System, Embedded Systems, Telecom Systems, E-Commerce Infrastructure & Application Systems, Wireless  Applications

Quality Assurance                : System Software, Business Applications, Web and Wireless Applications

More often than not, the processes of the company are so interwined, complicated and peculiar to a certain company that it needs to develop custom software to meet its requirements. We believe that companies can leverage our State of the Art software development infrastructure and highly qualified team of System Engineers, Architects and Software Developers to have the product developed, tested and deployed in a short time and at a lower cost. We are able to offer these benefits as we already have

  • The infrastructure set up to build, test and deploy software applications
  • The right blend of Engineering and Project management skills.
  • The teams can be deployed at your projects in a fairly short time
  • Lower cost of software development and testing
  • Detailed software quality management and testing ensures Less or no bugs in developed software
  • Faster Turnaround time


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